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Muscle toning exercises to keep your body strong

on Tuesday, 05 March 2024. Posted in Doctor of Fitness, Toning & Shaping

Regular exercise is crucial for our overall health. In addition, looking good can also be a significant motivating factor. It takes time and dedication to transform our bodies from a softer appearance to a more toned, muscular physique. Choosing the right workouts that offer the best results is essential to achieve your fitness goals efficiently.

Body Toning And Strengthening Exercises

Before starting any new exercise routine, always consult with a healthcare professional or fitness expert.

Wall Squats. Stand with your back against a wall. Mimic a sitting motion in a chair by bending your knees and lowering yourself into a seated position. Maintain a straight back as you press yourself back up to the standing position.

Side Planks. Assume the side plank position, with one arm supporting your weight and your bottom leg serving as an anchor. Keep both legs extended.

Tricep Dips. Grasp a sturdy object, such as a chair or table, depending on what is available to you. Position your hands with palms down and fingers facing you on the support base. Engage your triceps to lift and lower your body during the exercise.

Bicycle Kicks. Raise your legs and pedal while lying on your back. You can keep your arms at your sides, cross them in front of you, or place your hands on either side of your head.

Push Kick. You can do this exercise on all fours or while standing and supported by a chair. Kick back one of your bent legs as though you were pushing something from behind, then repeat with the opposite leg.

Remember to begin with a proper warm-up and cool down, and gradually increase the intensity and difficulty of your workouts as your strength improves. Consistency is the key to seeing results in muscle toning and overall fitness.

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